In the wee hours of the morning, as EPIC loomed in the background, an idea was born. Three brilliant nurses approached a night-shift weary physician saying "we have to talk". Fearing a patient was dead, or worse, the physician dropped what he was doing and gravely listened as one of those nurses said, "One word: Smoodstock!" and thus it was a-happening.
August 26, 2014 – August 28, 2014
Aug 26, 2014 to Aug 28, 2014
3280 Sw Childs Rd Lake Oswego
In honor of Woodstock, held in August 1969 we will be having another "3 days of Peace and Music." The event will be held at Dr. Smood's gorgeous property in Lake Oswego starting on 8/26 until 8 /28. There will be camping, drinking, floating, volleyball, live bands and much much more. Please RSVP asap so we can get a head count for kegs/food, etc. Commemorative T-shirts will also be available if you would like one respond or message me with your size promptly so you don't get left out! Can't wait to see you all there!
-Excerpt from the original Facebook posting, "Perfectica" , 2014
The first and only casualty of the year occurred just prior to day one. We would like to take this opportunity to recognize the passing of Oscar Mayer Wiener Dog and the subsequent discovery of his frozen corpse by poor Anne putting away her veggie burgers.
The festival was opened by The Gladness of Portland, Oregon. If you weren't there, you missed quite a performance. Over the next two days, beer was ingested, rivers were floated (not necessarily in any direction) and only one person had their shirt confiscated. As a result of Jackson's level of disappointment in the crowd-sourced DJ song selection, The Jackson Six was born.
August 22, 2015 – August 24, 2015
3280 childs rd
Lake Oswego, 97034
Invited by "Perfectica",
It's that time of year again! Time to celebrate Woodstock at Dr. Smood's house in Lake Oswego! There will be bands, a river float and lots of kegs!! More details to come as the date gets closer. Please invite friends as I am not friends with everyone on facebook just please no creepers or randos!
Don't forget to bring your tent for camping!
-Excerpt from the original Facebook posting, "Perfectica" , 2015
For their one and only performance, The Jackson Six opened for The Gladness. To further appease Jackson's specific musical tastes, karaoke was introduced. Who knew how much talent lurked amongst the refuse? More beer was ingested. The river was again (sort of) floated and the devil's lettuce caused a brief time-travelling incident.
By the end of the three days of love and music, it was assumed we had managed not to kill anyone, but, alas, the festivities were too much for Hercules (aka: Herculard, Lard-ass, etc) and he was laid to rest just two days later.
3280 childs rd
Lake Oswego, 97034
Invited by "Perfectica",
It's that time of year again! Time to celebrate Woodstock at Dr. Smood's house in Lake Oswego! There will be bands, a river float and lots of kegs!! More details to come as the date gets closer. Please invite friends as I am not friends with everyone on facebook just please no creepers or randos!
Don't forget to bring your tent for camping!
-Excerpt from the original Facebook posting, "Perfectica" , 2015
For their one and only performance, The Jackson Six opened for The Gladness. To further appease Jackson's specific musical tastes, karaoke was introduced. Who knew how much talent lurked amongst the refuse? More beer was ingested. The river was again (sort of) floated and the devil's lettuce caused a brief time-travelling incident.
By the end of the three days of love and music, it was assumed we had managed not to kill anyone, but, alas, the festivities were too much for Hercules (aka: Herculard, Lard-ass, etc) and he was laid to rest just two days later.
August 8th - August 10th, 2016
With sadness, no Gladness, but Julie and The Freemen did make their Smoodstock debut. The performance was bittersweet as it was, to date, the band's final show. Musical offerings were rounded out by The Ninja Hippies. Not enough karaoke performers took the stage for Jackson's liking, an oversight we hope to remedy at Smoodstock '17. The Smoodstock Kegerator was built and was joined by the refrigerator from The Beer Den housing 11 kegs beer and cider. 2016 also marked the arrival of the popular Frozen Concoction Machine (which makes margaritas, daiquiries, and pina coladas simultaneously!). There was a brief (unrelated) police presence which lead to the narrow avoidance of a TUI (that's tractoring under the influence). The streak was ended and both Frank sans Beans and The Creature survived.
August 18th - August 20th, 2017
Given that there is no wall, we were fortunate enough to get the lead guitarist of Julie and the Freemen to make a brief trans-atlantic appearance in The States for the triumphant reunion of the band and our mustachioed Englishman Shack joined the fray, as well. Though firearms are prohibited on the Smoodstock grounds, one of the original promoters dodged a bullet. A very small, inconsequential and shitty bullet. Our favourite real estate agent, the shirtless stand-up comedian, chef and dispensary owner, saved the day and while it isn't 519 Russell (what place could be), a fine new home was purchased and many excellent treats were brought out to celebrate. The kind of treats that helped Jackson to be able to see all the prismatic colours of the rainbow (reminiscent of the many hours he spend studying Sir Isaac Newton) in water poured from Red Solo Cups. Oregon's oldest groupie, the much loved and revered Mother Mary, celebrated her 80th birthday. Another mother we hold dear - Mama Wilson, turned lemons into lemonade (and by lemons we mean Jackson's always pristine white coat soaked in hobo urine and meth from his stolen car, and by lemonade we mean the glorious biker-inspired, tye-dyed jacket that hangs proudly in the dude mobile to this day). And 3 of us were here Monday for the total eclipse on the sun.
Given that there is no wall, we were fortunate enough to get the lead guitarist of Julie and the Freemen to make a brief trans-atlantic appearance in The States for the triumphant reunion of the band and our mustachioed Englishman Shack joined the fray, as well. Though firearms are prohibited on the Smoodstock grounds, one of the original promoters dodged a bullet. A very small, inconsequential and shitty bullet. Our favourite real estate agent, the shirtless stand-up comedian, chef and dispensary owner, saved the day and while it isn't 519 Russell (what place could be), a fine new home was purchased and many excellent treats were brought out to celebrate. The kind of treats that helped Jackson to be able to see all the prismatic colours of the rainbow (reminiscent of the many hours he spend studying Sir Isaac Newton) in water poured from Red Solo Cups. Oregon's oldest groupie, the much loved and revered Mother Mary, celebrated her 80th birthday. Another mother we hold dear - Mama Wilson, turned lemons into lemonade (and by lemons we mean Jackson's always pristine white coat soaked in hobo urine and meth from his stolen car, and by lemonade we mean the glorious biker-inspired, tye-dyed jacket that hangs proudly in the dude mobile to this day). And 3 of us were here Monday for the total eclipse on the sun.
August 3th - August 5th, 2018
This year marked the fifth anniversary of our gathering. A keg of Cape Oswego Lager was commissioned to mark the occasion. The official beer-pong table was flown back to PDX. Jackson II and The Thirteen took the stage. Young and old celebrated together - Hannah brought her freshly minted Josie and Emily was 'with' Olivia, while Katharine's Jackson the very good dog enjoyed his last go 'round. Sadly, the coyotes had eaten poor, beloved (to some) Creature and it was feared that Frank sans Beans had been consumed as well. Somehow, travelling up-river 23 miles over 53 days (that's 371 days in dog years), the miracle dog had survived. He came home at 6 pounds 9 ounces but is back to his fighting weight of 13ish pounds (but he's a lover not a fighter). Mike was on injured reserve and unable to participate in fris-knock making it a meaningless competition between the wannabes. Mama Wilson created the official banner that will forever hang above the stage. Speaking of the stage, Jackson feels strongly that we will all need to up our karaoke game next year (see the fine print in the rules section). After all, he, Russ, and Ben were envenomated by a hoard of yellow-jackets as they prepared the stage. While the Dude abides this was aggression that would not stand and these mean invaders were dealt with. FYI, never tell a child the poke of a needle is "just a little bee sting". Bee stings hurt like hell hours later.
This year marked the fifth anniversary of our gathering. A keg of Cape Oswego Lager was commissioned to mark the occasion. The official beer-pong table was flown back to PDX. Jackson II and The Thirteen took the stage. Young and old celebrated together - Hannah brought her freshly minted Josie and Emily was 'with' Olivia, while Katharine's Jackson the very good dog enjoyed his last go 'round. Sadly, the coyotes had eaten poor, beloved (to some) Creature and it was feared that Frank sans Beans had been consumed as well. Somehow, travelling up-river 23 miles over 53 days (that's 371 days in dog years), the miracle dog had survived. He came home at 6 pounds 9 ounces but is back to his fighting weight of 13ish pounds (but he's a lover not a fighter). Mike was on injured reserve and unable to participate in fris-knock making it a meaningless competition between the wannabes. Mama Wilson created the official banner that will forever hang above the stage. Speaking of the stage, Jackson feels strongly that we will all need to up our karaoke game next year (see the fine print in the rules section). After all, he, Russ, and Ben were envenomated by a hoard of yellow-jackets as they prepared the stage. While the Dude abides this was aggression that would not stand and these mean invaders were dealt with. FYI, never tell a child the poke of a needle is "just a little bee sting". Bee stings hurt like hell hours later.
August 16th - 18th, 2019
The nation is in distress (as signaled by the upside-down flag on our sleeve) and our plans to live stream the Woodstock 50th Anniversary Concert were thwarted by the fact that there was no Woodstock Anniversary Concert. Despite this inauspicious start, there are many that would argue that this was the best Smoodstock in recent memory (which Jackson thinks isn't saying much but others beg to differ). Transportation was upgraded significantly by the addition of The Dude-mobile (direct from Augusta, Georgia). As per The Founder's wishes (see Smoodstock 2016 above), we sourced a highly improved karaoke setup. Tequila Island was successfully moored in the mighty Tualatin River and was inhabited almost continuously throughout. And fortunately, no dogs were harmed during the festivities.
The nation is in distress (as signaled by the upside-down flag on our sleeve) and our plans to live stream the Woodstock 50th Anniversary Concert were thwarted by the fact that there was no Woodstock Anniversary Concert. Despite this inauspicious start, there are many that would argue that this was the best Smoodstock in recent memory (which Jackson thinks isn't saying much but others beg to differ). Transportation was upgraded significantly by the addition of The Dude-mobile (direct from Augusta, Georgia). As per The Founder's wishes (see Smoodstock 2016 above), we sourced a highly improved karaoke setup. Tequila Island was successfully moored in the mighty Tualatin River and was inhabited almost continuously throughout. And fortunately, no dogs were harmed during the festivities.
August 28th-30th, 2020
Has the world ever needed 3 days of peace, love, and music more than this year (perhaps even more than '69)?
We will be making a few additions this year. Both beertender and frozen concoction machine machinist will be
masked and gloved. There will be ample sanitizing stations. All utensils will be single-use recyclables, etc...
It's 2 acres on a river, we're sure you can socially distance easily and still have a fabulous time.
This as always is a peaceful protest against injustice and the camo-shirts downtown and a celebration of trying to
form a more perfect union.
Please be safe and stop by.
Well we had a safe and great gathering in the year of the 'rones. This despite a blatant, not to mention illegal and unethical, attempt to intimate us by a fascist known to some. Many were missed, but none more than the
most reverend Precious Jul. Some of us (mostly pirates) who attended offered to literally 'sail' her around the border-it's not like
we would have been smuggling aliens or grass (both of which are legal in Oregon). As the shirt reflects with the 'no' on the
hand and a mask on the bird there were far to few handshakes, hugs, and kisses, which isn't how we roll.
The karaoke was fabulous and the 'jam session drum circle' in the living room went on until about 4am and was
arguably the best time Jackson has ever had. If only Ben had played Roxanne!
Our 8th year will likely be spectacular! After the last pandemic came the 'roaring '20's, will this century be similar? Let's hope.
Sadly, given that Oregon is on fire we won't shoot off fireworks at the Cape. We will, as always, have a riverside campfire with several highly trained and certified firefighters in attendance.
Has the world ever needed 3 days of peace, love, and music more than this year (perhaps even more than '69)?
We will be making a few additions this year. Both beertender and frozen concoction machine machinist will be
masked and gloved. There will be ample sanitizing stations. All utensils will be single-use recyclables, etc...
It's 2 acres on a river, we're sure you can socially distance easily and still have a fabulous time.
This as always is a peaceful protest against injustice and the camo-shirts downtown and a celebration of trying to
form a more perfect union.
Please be safe and stop by.
Well we had a safe and great gathering in the year of the 'rones. This despite a blatant, not to mention illegal and unethical, attempt to intimate us by a fascist known to some. Many were missed, but none more than the
most reverend Precious Jul. Some of us (mostly pirates) who attended offered to literally 'sail' her around the border-it's not like
we would have been smuggling aliens or grass (both of which are legal in Oregon). As the shirt reflects with the 'no' on the
hand and a mask on the bird there were far to few handshakes, hugs, and kisses, which isn't how we roll.
The karaoke was fabulous and the 'jam session drum circle' in the living room went on until about 4am and was
arguably the best time Jackson has ever had. If only Ben had played Roxanne!
Our 8th year will likely be spectacular! After the last pandemic came the 'roaring '20's, will this century be similar? Let's hope.
Sadly, given that Oregon is on fire we won't shoot off fireworks at the Cape. We will, as always, have a riverside campfire with several highly trained and certified firefighters in attendance.
August 13th - 15th, 2021
As Dickens said "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". Mostly the best.
The best of the best was the presence of all the Freepeople. With Glenn the grill-master cooking breakfast and then manning the weber all day and night food was taken to a better level. The PJ's were presented their biker coats, original promoter jackets made by momma Wilson. Then we had the random people canoeing down the river who recognized Ben's band and pulled up. Also COOPER's first year at the Cape (see more later).
Not so good...It was way too hot, even with a river and air-conditioning.
The worst was the passing of the mighty but wee Frank sans Beans in the middle of it all. At least he had a good time every year. He blew a disc and was partially paralyzed and unable to pee. At 14 dog years he didn't want emergency surgery. With many medical professionals, the internet, and even a vet in attendance, we were unable to ease his way. Precious arranged an on-call vet to complete the deed. Now back to COOPER the therapy dog. Jackson was in the kitchen the next morning shedding a few tears when Coop came and put his paws on his chest and, whimpering, licked his tears.
Don't worry as a rescue dog named Scout lives at the Cape now. Update- the wee Scout passed away but a new puppy, Jack My Dog will be here.
We look forward to seeing you in our 9th year.
August 2022 (Jackson forgot the dates)!
Another 3 days of peace, music, and love. The live music was amazing but we did miss some karaoke greats. Just for the record, no one can ever say to Jack My Dog 'you ain't nothing but a hound-dog' because at 3 months old he actually caught a baby bunny the second morning and made many friends. So he has caught a rabbit and is a friend of mine!
Hope you join us for the 10th year.
As Dickens said "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". Mostly the best.
The best of the best was the presence of all the Freepeople. With Glenn the grill-master cooking breakfast and then manning the weber all day and night food was taken to a better level. The PJ's were presented their biker coats, original promoter jackets made by momma Wilson. Then we had the random people canoeing down the river who recognized Ben's band and pulled up. Also COOPER's first year at the Cape (see more later).
Not so good...It was way too hot, even with a river and air-conditioning.
The worst was the passing of the mighty but wee Frank sans Beans in the middle of it all. At least he had a good time every year. He blew a disc and was partially paralyzed and unable to pee. At 14 dog years he didn't want emergency surgery. With many medical professionals, the internet, and even a vet in attendance, we were unable to ease his way. Precious arranged an on-call vet to complete the deed. Now back to COOPER the therapy dog. Jackson was in the kitchen the next morning shedding a few tears when Coop came and put his paws on his chest and, whimpering, licked his tears.
Don't worry as a rescue dog named Scout lives at the Cape now. Update- the wee Scout passed away but a new puppy, Jack My Dog will be here.
We look forward to seeing you in our 9th year.
August 2022 (Jackson forgot the dates)!
Another 3 days of peace, music, and love. The live music was amazing but we did miss some karaoke greats. Just for the record, no one can ever say to Jack My Dog 'you ain't nothing but a hound-dog' because at 3 months old he actually caught a baby bunny the second morning and made many friends. So he has caught a rabbit and is a friend of mine!
Hope you join us for the 10th year.